Shujun Li/ June 20, 2019/ Uncategorized
We presented our work at the 27th Annual International etourism conference ENTER2020 at Guildford, UK. Our paper titled ‘Segmenting Travelers Based on Responses to Nudging for Information Disclosure’ was presented in the Special Innovation Track, attracting more than 50 academics and practitioners in the audience.
Lu, Y., Ioannou, A., Tussyadiah, I. and Li, S., 2019. Segmenting travelers based on responses to nudging for information disclosure. e-Review of Tourism Research, 17(3), pp.394-406
Digital technologies shape travel environments. Noticing online privacy issues, consumers can hold distinct attitudes towards disclosing personal information to service providers. We conducted a panel survey to gauge travelers’ willingness to share personal information with service providers, provided with different types of nudges. Based on the results of clustering analysis, two segments were identified: travelers who are reasonably willing to share (Privacy Rationalists) and those who are reluctant to share (Privacy Pessimists). This study provides empirical evidence of privacy segmentations in the travel context, which has not been reported before and thus deserves more attention from both researchers and practitioners.
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